Celebrating Tzedek DC’s Fifth Birthday

Teddy bear shown wearing a shirt with Tzedek DC's logo on it, a face mask, and a party hat.

A Tzedek DC teddy bear celebrates with a party hat.

Five years ago, Tzedek DC opened our doors. We started with a staff of two, working out of a windowless office at UDC’s David A. Clarke School of Law. We had a strong work plan, a group of supportive volunteers, and a vital anti-poverty and racial justice mission: safeguarding the legal rights and financial interests of DC residents facing debt-related problems.

Since 2017, we have made great strides in delivering legal services to individuals and advancing systemic reforms to help DC residents battling problems with debt—thanks to a stellar 11-person staff, 170 public-spirited, trained volunteer attorneys, a flock of energetic and talented interns, and partnerships with community organizations across all eight wards of DC.

“I knew the legal scene in Washington, DC and was skeptical about the need for another law-related nonprofit.... Tzedek DC [has] consistently surpassed my wildest expectations. Tzedek DC is an extraordinary public interest center.”

— David Stern, Executive Director, Equal Justice Works

In the wake of the pandemic and its accompanying financial turmoil for hundreds of thousands of residents, the need for Tzedek DC’s work has only intensified.

As part of our next steps, we are this year launching a financial counseling pilot program as well as a medical debt project. These additional areas of focus will allow us to enhance our support for DC residents dealing with debt collection lawsuits, credit reporting problems, financial crimes, and related matters over the next five years of challenges.

The effectiveness of our entire, dedicated team rests, in turn, on the shared commitment from each one of you—our 700-plus individual supporters and 35-plus foundation partners. Thank you for embracing and enabling our efforts to pursue justice.

Here’s to the next five years!

Tzedek, tzedek tirdoF
Justice, justice shall you pursue